Monday, July 18, 2011

Never exist, always live a balanced life!

Sometimes we catch ourselves just existing in life. You know~ work, cleaning, cooking and putting out fires.

Sometimes we need to stop and balance our everyday life with "a little something". A little something different, out of the ordinary, to enjoy and smile.

Think about it! What "little something" would YOU like to pop into your week?

Would it be a romantic?

Something adventurous like reaching new heights?

Or would it be something pretty to your eyes

I am doing something Thursday that I have never done...........Doesn't take a lot of money or stress. Not traveling out of town! Just a "little something"

Join me Friday to see all the goodies and adventures!

But I want to know now, .........
What "little something" would bring a smile to your beautiful face??( It can't cost lots of money or take a lot of planning.) Do tell!

See Ya soon!

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