I had a doctor's appointment today. Just a checkup.
When I walked out, I has happy and cheerful. The weather is forecasting the heavy snowfall to start any moment. Had my pap smear and full check up. Blood work. No reason to be happy and cheerful right?
The secret to happiness is simple. I was sitting in a row of chairs waiting in the hallway for the lab to call my name. Next to me were a woman and 2 men. They were complaining about having to wait....

The woman and I proceeded to talk about our life, children, grandchildren, and the up-comin weather. We had a nice conversation. Her husband joined in now and then. We were laughing ,having a good time. That left one man sitting quietly. Well can't have that so i pointedly brought him into the conversation. By the time I was called in the lab, the others were finishing.
But the finished ones didn't leave, they sat and waited so we could continue talking and laughing. So yes we were sitting , having fun NOT waiting for the lab!
Yes , we all have busy lives and things to do. But there are times when happiness and fun takes front seat.
Sometimes it just takes seconds to say "hey, How ya doin?"
Did I tell You that I live in the mountains of NC? It is outside of the big town of Asheville but just about 30 minutes driving time.

To have a nice conversation while waiting isn't unusual here. Standing in line at the grocery store, waiting for your prescriotion at the druggist even waiting to be called at the DMV can be a perfect location for happiness. Anywhere that someone is within hearing distance from you, is the prefect place and the perfect time.
I know you might be thinking well people look grouchey, in a hurry and pissed off. Well darling, those are the people that need you to start a nice friendly conversation. They are usually the ones that get their turn and wait, just to continue the fun.

It's nice to make someone else smile, laugh or just feel good. You can do it. Big Town or Small- works everywhere.
Just Smile and say "Hey, How ya doin?" That's all it takes :.)
PS. I got more good mountain stories to share soon!